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I am A Backend Developer

As a software engineer with 6 years of experience, I take pride in my ability to create high-quality solutions that meet my clients’ needs. Based in the beautiful city of Marrakech, Morocco, I specialize in back-end and server development using a variety of tools such as Golang, Python, Node.js, Redis, ElasticSearch, Mongo, and PostgreSQL.

illustration of a software developer working on his project
  • 6 + Years of Experience
  • 17 Completed Projects
Software Developer

Professional Skills

my Talent

Golang is a powerful and efficient programming language that excels in building scalable applications. With its strong focus on performance and concurrency, Golang is well-suited for developing high-performance software that can handle heavy workloads with ease.

90 %

Docker revolutionizes deployment by leveraging containerization technology. It enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, isolated containers that can be easily deployed across different environments. Docker simplifies the process of software deployment and ensures consistency, scalability, and portability.

90 %

Linux is a powerful and widely used open-source operating system known for its stability, security, and flexibility. It forms the foundation for many servers, embedded systems, and devices, and provides a robust platform for software development and administration. With its vast array of command-line tools and customizable nature, Linux offers a rich environment for developers and system administrators to build and manage robust and scalable solutions.

75 %

PostgreSQL is a robust open-source database that provides secure and scalable data management capabilities. It offers advanced features such as ACID compliance, JSON support, and extensibility. PostgreSQL is widely regarded for its reliability, performance, and ability to handle complex data requirements.

70 %

Next.JS is a React-based framework that empowers developers to build fast, SEO-friendly web applications. It offers server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and efficient caching, resulting in improved performance and user experience. Next.JS is a popular choice for building dynamic and interactive websites and web applications.

70 %

For agile and scalable data storage, developers often turn to Mongo, a flexible NoSQL database solution. Mongo allows for seamless handling of unstructured and semi-structured data, making it ideal for use cases that involve rapidly changing data structures and high data volumes. It offers horizontal scalability and easy integration with modern application stacks.

80 %

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May 27, 2023
Welcome, I'm Abderrahmane

I’m thrilled to have you here, and I can’t wait to share my passion for backend and server development with you. …


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Working remotely from the sunnt city of Marrakech, Morocco
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